Source code for j5.components.gpio_pin

"""Classes for GPIO Pins."""

from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Set, Type, Union

from j5.components.component import (
from j5.exceptions import j5Exception

class BadGPIOPinModeError(j5Exception):
    """The pin is not in the correct mode."""


class GPIOPinMode(IntEnum):
    """Hardware modes that a GPIO pin can be set to."""

    DIGITAL_INPUT = 0  #: The digital state of the pin can be read
    DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLUP = 1  #: Same as DIGITAL_INPUT but internal pull-up is enabled
    DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLDOWN = 2  #: Same as DIGITAL_INPUT but internal pull-down is enabled
    DIGITAL_OUTPUT = 3  #: The digital state of the pin can be set.

    ANALOGUE_INPUT = 4  #: The analogue voltage of the pin can be read.
    ANALOGUE_OUTPUT = 5  #: The analogue voltage of the pin can be set using a DAC.

    PWM_OUTPUT = 6  #: A PWM output signal can be created on the pin.

FirmwareMode = Type[DerivedComponent]

PinMode = Union[FirmwareMode, GPIOPinMode]

class GPIOPinInterface(Interface):
    """An interface containing the methods required for a GPIO Pin."""

    def set_gpio_pin_mode(self,
                          identifier: int,
                          pin_mode: GPIOPinMode,
                          ) -> None:
        Set the hardware mode of a GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number to set.
        :param pin_mode: mode to set the pin to.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def get_gpio_pin_mode(self, identifier: int) -> GPIOPinMode:
        Get the hardware mode of a GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number.
        :returns: mode of the pin.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def write_gpio_pin_digital_state(self,
                                     identifier: int,
                                     state: bool,
                                     ) -> None:
        Write to the digital state of a GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :param state: desired digital state.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def get_gpio_pin_digital_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool:
        Get the last written state of the GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :returns: Last known digital state of the pin.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def read_gpio_pin_digital_state(self, identifier: int) -> bool:
        Read the digital state of the GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :returns: digital state of the pin.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def read_gpio_pin_analogue_value(self, identifier: int) -> float:
        Read the scaled analogue value of the GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :returns: scaled analogue value of the pin.
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def write_gpio_pin_dac_value(
            identifier: int,
            scaled_value: float,
    ) -> None:
        Write a scaled analogue value to the DAC on the GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :param scaled_value: scaled analogue value to write
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

    def write_gpio_pin_pwm_value(
            identifier: int,
            duty_cycle: float,
    ) -> None:
        Write a scaled analogue value to the PWM on the GPIO pin.

        :param identifier: pin number
        :param duty_cycle: duty cycle to writee
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: nocover

[docs]class GPIOPin(Component): """A GPIO Pin.""" DEFAULT_HW_MODE: Set[GPIOPinMode] = {GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT} DEFAULT_FW_MODE: Set[FirmwareMode] = set() def __init__( self, identifier: int, backend: GPIOPinInterface, *, initial_mode: PinMode, hardware_modes: Set[GPIOPinMode] = DEFAULT_HW_MODE, firmware_modes: Set[FirmwareMode] = DEFAULT_FW_MODE, ) -> None: self._backend = backend self._identifier = identifier self._supported_modes = hardware_modes self._firmware_modes = firmware_modes if len(hardware_modes) < 1: raise ValueError("A GPIO pin must support at least one hardware mode.") self.mode = initial_mode @staticmethod def interface_class() -> Type[GPIOPinInterface]: """ Get the interface class that is required to use this component. :returns: interface class. """ return GPIOPinInterface def _require_pin_modes(self, pin_modes: Set[PinMode]) -> None: """ Ensure that this pin is in the specified hardware mode. :param pin_modes: set of valid pin modes. :raises BadGPIOPinModeError: pin not in a valid mode. """ if self.mode not in pin_modes and not len(pin_modes) == 0: raise BadGPIOPinModeError( f"Pin {self._identifier} needs to be in one of {pin_modes}", ) @property def identifier(self) -> int: """ An integer to identify the component on a board. :returns: component identifier. """ return self._identifier @property def mode(self) -> PinMode: """ Get the mode of this pin. :returns: current mode of the pin. """ return self._backend.get_gpio_pin_mode(self._identifier) @mode.setter def mode(self, pin_mode: PinMode) -> None: """ Set the mode of this pin. :param pin_mode: mode to switch to. :raises NotSupportedByComponentError: pin doesn't support mode. """ if pin_mode not in self._supported_modes | self._firmware_modes: raise NotSupportedByComponentError( f"Pin {self._identifier} does not support {str(pin_mode)}.", ) if isinstance(pin_mode, GPIOPinMode): self._backend.set_gpio_pin_mode(self._identifier, pin_mode)
[docs] def digital_write(self, state: bool) -> None: """ Set the digital state of the pin. :param state: digital state. """ self._require_pin_modes({GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT}) self._backend.write_gpio_pin_digital_state(self._identifier, state)
@property def last_digital_write(self) -> bool: """ Get the last set digital state of the pin. This does not perform a read operation, it only gets the last set value, which is usually cached in memory. :returns: last set digital state of the pin """ self._require_pin_modes({GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_OUTPUT}) return self._backend.get_gpio_pin_digital_state(self._identifier)
[docs] def digital_read(self) -> bool: """ Get the digital state of the pin. :returns: digital read state of the pin. """ self._require_pin_modes({ GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT, GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLUP, GPIOPinMode.DIGITAL_INPUT_PULLDOWN}, ) return self._backend.read_gpio_pin_digital_state(self._identifier)
[docs] def analogue_read(self) -> float: """ Get the scaled analogue reading of the pin. :returns: scaled analogue reading """ self._require_pin_modes({GPIOPinMode.ANALOGUE_INPUT}) return self._backend.read_gpio_pin_analogue_value(self._identifier)
[docs] def analogue_write(self, new_value: float) -> None: """ Set the analogue value of the pin. :param new_value: analogue value :raises ValueError: pin value must be between 0 and 1 """ self._require_pin_modes({ GPIOPinMode.ANALOGUE_OUTPUT, }) if new_value < 0 or new_value > 1: raise ValueError("An analogue pin value must be between 0 and 1.") self._backend.write_gpio_pin_dac_value( self._identifier, new_value, )
[docs] def pwm_write(self, new_value: float) -> None: """ Set the PWM value of the pin. :param new_value: new duty cycle :raises ValueError: pin value must be between 0 and 1 """ self._require_pin_modes({ GPIOPinMode.PWM_OUTPUT, }) if new_value < 0 or new_value > 1: raise ValueError("An PWM pin value must be between 0 and 1.") self._backend.write_gpio_pin_pwm_value( self._identifier, new_value, )
@property def firmware_modes(self) -> Set[FirmwareMode]: """ Get the supported firmware modes. :returns: supported firmware modes. """ return self._firmware_modes @firmware_modes.setter def firmware_modes(self, modes: Set[FirmwareMode]) -> None: """ Set the supported firmware modes. :param modes: firmware modes to support. """ self._firmware_modes = modes